Contrary. Opposite. Conflicting. Contradictory. Divergent. CONFUSING!
- Obesity DOES contribute to back pain incidence. (1)
- Obesity DOES NOT contribute to back pain incidence. (2)
So whom do you believe?! Which back pain researcher will you listen to? Crazy! Both of these articles came out at the same time. So pick what you want to believe!? New Roads Chiropractic Center looks more closely at this issue of obesity and looks to shine a little light on the topic for the health of our New Roads back pain patients.
So the first research article about obesity says that obesity
IS a predictor and cause of
sciatica. In Japan, a study of 765 asymptomatic workers found that 18.4% of them reported a new episode of sciatica during a 2 year follow up period. The researchers report
significant associations between a new episode of sciatica and age and even mental workload and obesity.
(1) We know our New Roads back pain patients work hard mentally and physically! So beware of obesity. It may set you up for a bout of sciatica.
Now the other article says the opposite: obesity
IS NOT a cause of chronic
low back pain! These back pain and obesity connection researchers report that there was no significant relationship between BMI (body mass index) and self-reported pain and disability in chronic low back pain patients. Bottomline for us New Roads back pain doctors and patients? These researchers say not to rely on BMI as a sole measurement of obesity in chronic low back pain research.
(2) So your New Roads chiropractor won’t. Your whole person and lifestyle and other issues will be assessed as to your coping with chronic low back pain no matter what your size.
Regardless of your body type, your New Roads chiropractor will instruct you in the proper
exercise program to strengthen and stabilize your spine to prevent back pain and extremity pain like sciatica or leg pain. Further, know that there are ways to use your spine in normal activities of daily living that may well help prevent irritation and pain. New Roads Chiropractic Center will show you.
So, obesity. Is it good for you? Of course not. Your New Roads chiropractor at New Roads Chiropractic Center will certainly support you in any attempt you choose to lose weight or reduce your weight and even encourage you to just tone what there is of you. A moderate plan for losing weight with lifestyle adaptations - like adding exercise to your day, drinking more water, and eating more healthfully - is best. New Roads Chiropractic Center won’t be contradictory in our evaluation or the resulting
treatment plan for your back pain issues. We’ll set a clear path for both you and your New Roads chiropractor to follow so that we can work together toward the common goal of overall health and
back pain relief and control.
Contact New Roads Chiropractic Center today.
"This information and website content is not intended to diagnose, guarantee results, or recommend specific treatment or activity. It is designed to educate and inform only. Please consult your physician for a thorough examination leading to a diagnosis and well-planned treatment strategy. See more details on the
DISCLAIMER page. Content is reviewed by
Dr. James M. Cox I."